Courses of Chinese Language and Literature(3-8 Semester)

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The Basic Principles of Marxism

Mao Zedong Thought and Theoretical System of Socialism

Situation and Policy-3

Situation and Policy-4

Situation and Policy-5

Situation and Policy-6

Situation and Policy-7

Situation and Policy-8

College English (Creative Reading)-3

College English (Creative Reading)-4

Physical Education-3

Physical Education-4

Chinese Culture(Literature)

Chinese Culture(History)

Chinese Culture(Philosophy)

Chinese Culture(Arts)

Comparative Literature

Chinese characters


Foreign Literature-1

Foreign Literature-2

Introduction to Linguistics

Contemporary Chinese Literature

Ancient Chinese Literature 1

Ancient Chinese Literature 2

Ancient Chinese Literature 3

Ancient Chinese Literature 4

A Study on Marxist Literary and Artistic Thought

Chinese Historical Semantics

Chinese Historical Phonology

Traditional Chinese Literary Theory

Modern Chinese Poetry

Western Literary Theory

Theoretical Frontier of Western Linguistics

Foundation of Symbolic Poetics

Culture of Ba and Shu

Special Study on Modern Chinese Intellectual Culture

History of Countries along The Ancient Silk Road

Historical Philology of China

Research on Confucianism in East Asia

Western classical art theory original Review

Studies of The Five Classics

Topics in German Philosophy

Topics in Contemporary Anglo-Saxon Philosophy

Topics in Buddhist Philosophy

Public Relation

Introduction to Psychoanalysis

Information Retrieval and Utilization(Liberal Arts)

Guided Readings of Chinese Classics

Seminars on Languages & Literature

Theoretical Frontier of Chinese Linguistics

Graduation Practice

Graduation Thesis